Thursday 4 May 2023

Subordinating Conjunctions of Contrast


  • Subordinating Conjunctions of Contrast

  • One more type of subordinating conjunction shows contrast.  Use subordinating conjunctions of contrast to show when the real result of an action or event is different from the expected result.

    Jack will work today even though it's his birthday.
    -Real result = Jack will work today
    -Expected result = Jack will not work today

    The most common subordinating conjunctions of contrast are although, though, and even though.
  •  Click on the play button to hear the audio
  • Although it's a holiday, FedEx is still delivering packages today.*Though it was late, the delivery man still delivered all of the packages on his route.
    Even though the roads are icythe postal service will deliver mail today. My packages arrived late even though I paid for express shipping
  • *Remember! It's more common to use subordinating conjunctions of contrast at the beginning of a sentence.

Source : Alison

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