Thursday 4 May 2023

Questions with Passive Causatives

  • Questions with Passive Causatives

  • Form yes/no passive causative questions with a modal or auxiliary verb.

    modal/auxiliary verb + subject + passive causative
    -Should I get my documents copied at the copy center? Yes, you should.
    -Are you getting your hair cut tomorrow? No, I'm not.

    Form information questions with a wh- word before the modal/auxiliary verb.
    wh- word + modal/auxiliary verb + subject + passive causative
    -Where can I get my oil changed? At Joe's Car Repair Center.
  •  Click on the play button to hear the audio
  • Passive Causative SentencesPassive Causative Questions
    had a budget prepared by an accountant.Did you have a budget prepared by an accountant?
    She is getting her dry cleaning done.Is she getting her dry cleaning done?
    will get my book published soon.When will you get your book published?

 Source : Alison

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