Thursday 4 May 2023

Passive Causatives: Get

  • Passive Causatives: Get

  • The passive causative still shows that the subject of the sentence causes someone to do an action for them, but the focus is on the object that receives the action and not the person who does the action. 

    subject + get + object* + past participle
    - Emily will gether nailspainted.
    (Emily doesn't perform the action, someone else does it for her.)

    *Remember! The object in a passive causative sentence is usually the thing that receives the action of the verb.
  •  Click on the play button to hear the audio
  • General sentencesPassive causative sentences with 'get'
    John repaired his computer.John got his computer repaired.
    They will wash the car.They will get their car washed.
    She is doing her laundry.She is getting her laundry done.

 Source : Alison

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