Thursday 4 May 2023

Causative Questions

  • Causative Questions 

  • Form yes/no causative questions with a modal or auxiliary verb.  

    modal/auxiliary verb + subject + causative
    -Can Mike get the mechanic to change the oil in my car? No, he can't.  
    -Did* you get the hairdresser to cut your hair yesterday? Yes, I did.
    *Remember! Change the tense of the auxiliary verb if necessary.

    Form information questions with a wh- word before the modal/auxiliary verb.
    wh- word + modal/auxiliary causative
    -When will you get the mechanic to change the oil in your car? Tomorrow.
  •  Click on the play button to hear the audio
  • Causative statementsCausative questions
    will get the doctor to write me a note.Will you get the doctor to write you a note?
    You should get a personal trainer to help you train.
    Should I get a personal trainer to help me train?
    We hadour parents withdraw the money for us.Why did you have your parents withdraw the money?


Source : Alison

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