Wednesday 3 May 2023

Negative Passive Voice

  • Negative Passive Voice

  • For the negative form of passive voice, add not between the verb be and the past participle. The placement of not is the same in present tense and past tense passive voice. 

    subject be not + past participle
    -Packages are not delivered on Sundays.
    -The flowers were not watered yesterday.
  •  Click on the play button to hear the audio
  • A marinara pizza is not made with cheese.  Small packages aren'tweighed on a scale. 
    The packing list was not included in my package.The letters weren't delivered on time. 
  • *Remember! You can combine the be verb and not to form a contraction.
    Present tense: is not = isn't/are not = aren't
    Past tense:  was not = wasn't/were not = weren't

 Source : Alison

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