Wednesday 3 May 2023

Passive Voice Questions

  • Passive Voice Questions

  • For yes/no questions with the passive voice change the order of the verb be and the subject.  This applies to present and past tense. 

    be + subject past participle
    -Is coffee served here? Yes, it is./No, it isn't.

    For information questions, add a wh- word at the beginning of the sentence.

    wh- word + be + subjectpast participle
    -What is this pie made with? It is made with apples. 
  •  Click on the play button to hear the audio
  • Are mailboxes sold in this store? 
    -No, they aren't.
    Were you told about tomorrow's meeting? 
    -Yes, was.
    When was this package delivered?
    -It was delivered this morning.
    Why was my letter marked 'returned mail'?
    -Because the address was not written correctly.

 Source : Alison

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