Thursday 4 May 2023

Indirect Speech: Sentences with That


  • Indirect Speech: Sentences with That

  • You can add that after the introductory verb in indirect speech. The most common use of that in indirect speech is to separate two pronouns.

    speaker + introductory verb + that + indirect speech
    -Max told me that he had a meeting with his accountant.
    (In this sentence, that separates the pronouns 'me' and 'he'.)

    Remember! Using that is not necessary.  It does not change the meaning of the sentence, but it can make the sentence easier to understand.
  •  Click on the play button to hear the audio
  • Direct speechIndirect speech 
    My mom said"I will take you to the spa."My mom told me that she would take me to the spa.
    She said"I know a good real estate agent."She told him that she knew a good real estate agent.
    Sara said"My car won't start."Sara said that her car wouldn't start.

Source : Alison

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