Thursday 4 May 2023

Indirect Speech: Say vs. Tell

  • Indirect Speech: Say vs. Tell

  • The most common introductory verbs for indirect speech are say and tell
    Use told when the listener is mentioned. Use said when they are not.

    -The mechanic told him* the car needed an oil change next month. 
    (This sentence mentions the listener "him.") 
    -The mechanic said the car needed an oil change next month
    (This sentence does not mention the listener.)

    *Be careful! Always use a noun or object pronoun (me, her, etc.) after told.
  •  Click on the play button to hear the audio
  • Direct SpeechIndirect Speech
    "The gym has good personal trainers," said Jamie.
    Jamie told Sam the gym had good personal trainers.
    "The plumber often fixes my pipes,"he said.
    He told them the plumber often fixed his pipes.
    My teacher said"There is no math homework."My teacher told us there was no math homework. 

 Source : Alison

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