Saturday 18 March 2023

Too (in english language)

  • Tooㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

  • Use too with adjectives to show degree.  Use too with much/many and a noun to show something is more than a person wants or needs.

    The meal is too expensive. (too + adjective)
    I ate too many cookies. (too + much/many + noun)

    You can also put too much after a verb.
    -Jim talks too much.

    Use too with not to show something isn’t a problem. 
    -The weather is not too hot. (not + too adjective)
  •  Click on the play button to hear the audio
  • Thai cuisine is too spicy for me!
    Dan works too much.
    I spent too much money at the mall.Let's walk to the supermarket.  It's not too far.

 Source : Alison

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