Saturday 18 March 2023

So (in english language)

  • So ㅤㅤㅤ   ㅤㅤ   

  • Use so with adjectives or well/badly to describe degree.  Use so with much/many to show you have a lot of something.

    Always use so before the word it describes. 
    -The kimchi is so spicy. (so + adjective)  
    -He plays the piano so well. (so + well/badly)
    -I have so much homework. (so much/many* + noun

    You can also use so much after a verb to emphasize the action.
    Tess reads so much.
  •  Click on the play button to hear the audio
  • Her new bag is so expensive.
    James speaks French so well.
    There were so many dogs in the park today.My father traveled so much when he was younger.
  • *Remember! Use much for uncountable nouns and many for countable nouns.


Source : Alison

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