Friday 17 March 2023

Time Clauses: When/After

  • Time Clauses: When/After

  • Read and listen. Listen again and repeat.
  • present time clause with when shows two actions/events that happen at the same time. A present time clause with after describes an action/event immediately followed by another action/event.  

    Time clauses for present events:
    -Time clause = present simple
    -Main clause = present simple
    play board games with my family when it rains.
    After exercise, I take a shower.
  • read the newspaper when I drink my coffee in the morning. When Peter goes to work, he rides his bike. 
    Jenny checks her e-mail after she has breakfast.After I finish work, I go to the gym.
  •  Click on the play button to hear the audio

 Source : Alison

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