Wednesday 22 March 2023

Since (in english language)

  • Since

  • Use since with different expressions to show when an action started. You can use since with: 
    -time (2:30)             
    -year (2019)            
    -season (spring)     
    -day of the week (Monday)
    -month of the year (July)
    -time expression (last week/month, yesterday, etc.)
  •  Click on the play button to hear the audio
  • Timehave waited for you since two o'clock.*

    Yale University has taught students since 1701.
    have lived in a dorm since the spring semester.Day 
    have gone to so many classes since Monday.
    haven't seen my academic advisor since January.
    Time Expressionhave studied business since last year.
  • Remember! Always use since with a specific time in the past.

 Source : Alison

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