Wednesday 22 March 2023

Modal Verbs

  • Modal Verbs

  • Use modal verbs to show ability/possibility, ask permission, make requests or offers, give suggestions, or give commands.  Always use modal verbs with a base verb.

    subject + modal verb + base verb

    Remember! You can also use modal verbs for negative statements and questions.
  • Negative statements
    Add not after the modal verb.
    subject + modal not + base verb
  • Questions
    Start questions with a modal verb.
    modal + subject + base verb
  •  Click on the play button to hear the audio
  • You can do better in your senior year!
    You have to submit your project on time!
    You should notcheat on your final exam.
    Professor, could you help me with this question?
  • *Remember! You can combine modal verbs with not to form contractions. (should not >shouldn't)

 Source : Alison

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