Sunday 19 March 2023

Enough (in english language)


  • Enough

  • Use enough with adjectives, verbs, and nouns to show that something is (or isn't) the right amount.

    Always use enough after adjectives and verbs.  Add not for a negative sentence.
    This jacket is warm enough. (adjective + enough)
    I do not travel enough. (not + verb + enough)

    Always use enough before nouns.  Add not for a negative sentence.
    There's enough chairs for everyone.  (enough + noun)
    There's not enough sugar in my coffee. (not + enough + noun)
  •  Click on the play button to hear the audio
  • Her dress is pretty enough for a princess!
    I am still hungry. I didn't eat enough for dinner.
    We have enough money for a new car.
    There are not enough seats for everyone on the train. 

Source : Alison

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