Thursday 4 May 2023

Direct Speech

  • Direct Speech

  • Direct speech shows we are using the exact words of a speaker.  Always use quotation marks (“ ”) with direct speech. Always use an introductory verb and identify the speaker with direct speech. The most common introductory verb is said.

    speaker introductory verb, "direct speech."
    -The mechanic said, "The car needs an oil change next month."

    Direct speech can also go before the introductory verb

    "Direct speech," + introductory verb + speaker. 
    -“The car needs an oil change next month,”said the mechanic.

    Remember! Always use a comma (,) before or after an introductory verb, and always capitalize the first letter of the direct speech.
  • "I have made this dish many times before," said the chef.
    The plumber said"I can fix your kitchen sink tomorrow."
    "The hairdresser cut my hair too short," she said.*
  • *Be careful! When the speaker is a pronoun, it always goes before the introductory verb.


Source : Alison

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