Thursday 4 May 2023

Coordinating Conjunctions

  • Coordinating Conjunctions

  • Coordinating conjunctions connect words, phrases, or clauses with similar importance or structure in one sentence.

    Common coordinating conjunctions are:
    -and (shows equality)
    -or (shows options)
    -but (shows contrast)
    -so (shows a result)
  •  Click on the play button to hear the audio
  • The combo meal includes a drink and a side dish.We can play games or watch a movie tonight.
    Jess likes horror movies, but Ryan doesn't.*The post office is closed, so I can't buy stamps.
  • *Be careful! When a coordinating conjunction joins two independent clauses, you must use a comma (,) before the coordinating conjunction. Independent clauses are complete thoughts with a subject and a verb. 
    -Jess likes horror movies.  Ryan doesn't (like horror movies). >Jess likes horror movies, but Ryan doesn't. 

 Source : Alison

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