Sunday 30 April 2023

Tag Question Forms

  • Tag Question Forms

  • Tag questions always come at the end of a sentence.

    In sentences with verb be, also use it in the tag question.
    -It is raining, isn't it?

    In sentences with an auxiliary or modal verb, use only the auxiliary/modal in the tag question (not the base verb).
    -She has worked here for two years, hasn't she?
    -You can't play piano, can you?

    With other types of verbs, use a form of do in the tag question.
    -She eats meat, doesn't she?
  •  Click on the play button to hear the audio
  • She is a teacher, isn't she?It's been hot this week, hasn't it?
    We won't be late,will we?You like spicy food, don't you?
  • Remember! The subject of the sentence and the subject of the tag question are always the same.

 Source : Alison

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