Sunday 19 March 2023

Position of Adverbs of Manner

  • Position of Adverbs of Manner

  • Read and listen. Listen again and repeat.
  • Adverbs of manner are usually after the main verb.
    -He swims fast.

    You can also place the adverb before the verb.* This places more emphasis on the adverb.
    -I carefully browsed the internet for a new phone.  
    (The emphasis is on the adverb, not the verb.)
  • She sings beautifully.The team played well. 
    They quickly finished their lunch. He excitedly installed his new modem. 
  •  Click on the play button to hear the audio
  • *Be careful! Some adverbs are ALWAYS after the verb.
    These adverbs are: well, badly, hard, fast

 Source : Alison

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