Wednesday 22 March 2023

Perfect Modals: May/Might Have

  • Perfect Modals: May/Might Have

  • Use the perfect modal form of may/might to show possibility* about actions/events in the past. 

    Remember! Use may for strong possibilities and might for weak possibilities.

    subject + may/might have + past participle 

    -I may have left my coat in the laboratory. 
    (This shows there is a strong possibility that this is true. The coat was left in the laboratory.)

    -She might have forgotten about the meeting. 
    (This shows there is a weak possibility that this is true. There could be other reasons why she was late for the meeting.)
  • may have left my laptop in the lecture hall.You may have taken better notes than Sara.
    might have seen Jamie in the dorm.
    Josh might have passed the final exam.
  • *Possibility: the chance that something is true or likely

 Source : Alison

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