Salah satu cara untuk mengungkapkan "preference" (lebih suka) adalah menggunakan ungkapan WOULD RATHER. Ada beberapa konstruksi kalimat dengan menggunakan WOULD RATHER:
WOULD RATHER langsung diikuti oleh kata kerja bentuk dasar (verb without to). Perhatikan contoh-contoh berikut:
- She would rather stay at home (She'd rather stay at home.)
- I would rather learn it online. (I'd rather learn it online.)
- We would rather drink coffee without sugar. (We'd rather.....)
WOULD RATHER dalam tulisan sering disingkat 'D RATHER.
Perhatikan dengan seksama contoh-contoh dalam kalimat berikut dimana kita membandingkan dua tindakan dengan menggunakan WOULD RATHER...........THAN............. Ingat kata kerja nya tetap bentuk dasar tanpa 'to".
- I'd rather go blind than see you walk away.
- Would you rather stay here than go out with us tonight?
- My dad would rather watch TV than listen to the radio.
- We'd rather find an inexpensive hotel than stay with our relatives.
WOULD RATHER bisa langsung diikuti oleh kalimat dalam bentuk simple past tensentu atau past perfect. Perhatikan contoh-contoh berikut:
- I'd rather you stayed with us (Saya lebih suka Anda tinggal bersama kami)
- I'd rather you had stayed with us. (Saya lebih suka Anda tinggal bersama kami. Kegiatan "stay" sudah terjadi.)
- We'd rather we didn't go to Bali for our next vacation.
- She'd rather not study Japanese now. (Bukan; "She'd NOT rather......)
- I'd rather not go there alone.
Latihan penggunaan Would Rather. Dalam masing-masing kalimat ada 4 kata yang digarisbawahi, satu diantaranya tidak benar. Pilih kata yang digarisbawahi yang menurut Anda salah.
- Mary had rather stay home than go to the market with her mother.
- They would rather go fishing than swimming.
- I'd rather have my house repainted than to buy a new house.
- She would not rather tell her friends that she is already married and has children.
- My wife would rather I don't go out alone at night.
- Would you be rather stay here till your dad arrives?
- I'd rather my daughter staying with us till the weather is fine.
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