Wednesday 3 May 2023

Future Continuous Tense

  • Future Continuous Tense 

  • Read and listen. Listen again and repeat.
  • Use future continuous for actions that will happen at a given point in the future. When we use future continuouswe know the action starts in the future and continues.

    subject + will be + present participle
    -I will be starting a new project next week.  
    (I will start a new project next week, and it will continue after that time.)

    Remember! Use the same form of will be for all subjects.
    -You will be starting a new project next week.
    -He/She will be starting a new project next week.
    -They will be starting a new project next week.
  • She will be talking to us about our teamwork tomorrow.
    We will be asking a lot of questions about our new employer.
    I'll be taking the train to work next week.
  • Remember! Use 'll as the contraction form of will

 Source : Alison

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