Wednesday 3 May 2023

Be Able To: Negative Statements & Questions

  • Be Able To: Negative Statements & Questions

  • For negative statements with be able to, add not before able to

    subject + be + not + able to base verb
    - She is not able to work on the weekends.

    For yes/no questions with be able to, start the sentence with the verb be.
    be + subject + able to + base verb
    -Is John able to speak Chinese?

    Add a wh- word before be for information questions.
    wh- word + be + subject + able to + base verb
    -When are you able to take a vacation?
  •  Click on the play button to hear the audio
  • StatementsThe company is able to offer more full-time jobs.
    Negative StatementThe company is not able to offer more full-time jobs.
    Is the company able to offer more full-time jobs?
    Where is the company able to offer more full-time jobs?

 Source : Alison

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