Monday 20 March 2023

Superlatives: Most, Least, Fewest

  • Superlatives: Most, Least, Fewest

  • Read and listen. Listen again and repeat.
  • Use the comparatives most, least, and fewest with nouns to talk about quantities. Fewest is the comparative form of few.
    Use most/fewest with countable nouns.
  • In my family, I have the most electronic devices. 
    In my family, I have the fewest electronic devices.

  • Use most/the least with uncountable nouns and adjectives.
  • Mike does the most work in the office.
    Erik does the least work in the office. 
    This computer is the mosexpensive in the store.
    This computer is the least expensive in the store.

 Source : Alison

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