Sunday 19 March 2023

Forming Adverbs of Manner


  • Forming Adverbs of Manner 

  • Read and listen. Listen again and repeat.
  • Adverbs of manner modify the main verb in a sentence.  They show us 'how' someone does something. 
    Make adverbs of manner with adjectives and -ly.
    adjective + -ly adverb 
    -quick + -ly quickly 
    -careful -ly carefully 
    -loud -ly loudly
    -slow -ly slowly
  • Richard works quickly.Please drive carefully
    Roy is singing loudlyThe computer program is running slowly.
  •  Click on the play button to hear the audio
  • *Be careful!  Not all words with -ly on the end are adverbs.  For example, these -ly words are adjectives:
    friendly, lovely, lonely

Source : Alison

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