Thursday 3 November 2022

Task and Solution in Python - Map and Lambda (HackerRank)


Let's learn some new Python concepts! You have to generate a list of the first  fibonacci numbers,  being the first number. Then, apply the map function and a lambda expression to cube each fibonacci number and print the list.


The map() function applies a function to every member of an iterable and returns the result. It takes two parameters: first, the function that is to be applied and secondly, the iterables.
Let's say you are given a list of names, and you have to print a list that contains the length of each name.

>> print (list(map(len, ['Tina', 'Raj', 'Tom'])))  
[4, 3, 3]  

Lambda is a single expression anonymous function often used as an inline function. In simple words, it is a function that has only one line in its body. It proves very handy in functional and GUI programming.

>> sum = lambda a, b, c: a + b + c
>> sum(1, 2, 3)


Lambda functions cannot use the return statement and can only have a single expression. Unlike def, which creates a function and assigns it a name, lambda creates a function and returns the function itself. Lambda can be used inside lists and dictionaries.

Input Format

One line of input: an integer .


Output Format

A list on a single line containing the cubes of the first  fibonacci numbers.

Sample Input


Sample Output

[0, 1, 1, 8, 27]


The first  fibonacci numbers are , and their cubes are .


cube = lambda x: x**3# complete the lambda function

def fibonacci(n):
    # return a list of fibonacci numbers
    v = []

    for i in range(n):
        if i == 0:
        elif i == 1 :
            v.append(v[i-1] + v[i-2])
    return v

if __name__ == '__main__':
    n = int(input())
    print(list(map(cube, fibonacci(n))))

Source : HackerRank

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